10 Interesting Facts About the Maasai Tribe That You Should Know

When we think of “tribal communities,” we tend to think of small groups of people completely cut off from the “real world.” And whether it’s about housing, clothing, or how they spend their day, most of what we know about tribal lifestyles are often impressions rather than first-hand information or facts.

So, one example of a tribal community with ongoing interaction with the outside world is the semi-nomadic tribe of the Maasai.  The Maasai peacefully coexist with animals and other tribes, tending to their livestock and moving through East Africa as they have for several hundred years. And while the Maasai are among the few tribes in Kenya and Tanzania with name recognition, they actually make up less than 20% of the tribal population in Tanzania.

Most of us have heard little more about their daily lives beyond mention of colorful clothing and warm, friendly hospitality. We hope we have piqued your interest enough here that you’ll read on and broaden your understanding of the Maasai of Kenya and Tanzania.

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